Wet Eyez performatively researches the mythological figure of the Blemmyes, headless people with their mouth and eyes in their chests. Allegedly observed by the first European “discoverers” in the Americas, the idea of the Blemmyes clearly indicates how Eurocentric perspectives construct and demonize otherness. New Blemmyes are created from water and fiction that self-confidently confront the white gaze.
After the performance an Artist Talk will take place with Camila Malenchini, Marga Alfeirão and Petra Poelzl. Petra Poelzl is Curator of Dance & Performance at HAU.
The performance is sold out.
40 min
8 € | 5 € reduced
Concept: Marga Alfeirão & Camila Malenchini
Animation: Camila Malenchini
Voices: Camila Malenchini
Edit: Nadja Rothkirch
Music: Corazón lleno de mil vacíos - TAYHANA