Spoken Word Theater
After Work
Programming from the Community
What is a dream? What dreams exist in your life? How many dreams do we experience? The performance by Dürten Thielk is a reminder of one’s own life. It poses questions and invites reflection. It allows the audience to immerse itself in a world that is far from the everyday. A dream performance with acting, singing and dance.
Playing times
We 25.05
Th 26.05
Sa 28.05
55 min
Admission price
12 € | 7 € reduced
There is no barrier-free access to the building and event area as well as barrier-free parking. Access is via the "Abteibrücke" in Treptower Park, includes sandy paths in the park, bridge with incline and decline, cobblestones on the grounds (Inselgarten).
Detail of main and event access & sanitary facilities:
- House entrance door 177cm wide, step 5cm, approx. 80cm deep grille "halves" step to 2x 2.5cm
- corridor door 80cm wide, step 4cm
- entrance door to the event hall 82cm wide, 2cm step
- Door to WC 79,5cm wide, no step
In the event hall/area there is space for wheelchairs or walkers and there is a possibility to enter the hall ahead of time in agreement of the special suitable seat reservation and/or with the staff on site.
In the performance there is abrupt light change and strobe light.
The performance is suitable for ages 12 and older and is in German.
Contact: Birte Schubert
Phone: 030 80 96 18 50
Detail of main and event access & sanitary facilities:
- House entrance door 177cm wide, step 5cm, approx. 80cm deep grille "halves" step to 2x 2.5cm
- corridor door 80cm wide, step 4cm
- entrance door to the event hall 82cm wide, 2cm step
- Door to WC 79,5cm wide, no step
In the event hall/area there is space for wheelchairs or walkers and there is a possibility to enter the hall ahead of time in agreement of the special suitable seat reservation and/or with the staff on site.
In the performance there is abrupt light change and strobe light.
The performance is suitable for ages 12 and older and is in German.
Contact: Birte Schubert
Phone: 030 80 96 18 50
Kulturhaus Insel Berlin
Alt-Treptow 6, 12435 Berlin