meLê yamomo

meLê yamomo has lived in Manila, Seoul, Bangkok, Warwick, and Munich, and is now based in Amsterdam and Berlin, studying, teaching, and creating performance theatre and sound as well as music. He is an Assistant Professor of Theatre, Performance, and Sound Studies at the University of Amsterdam, the author of Sounding Modernities: Theatre and Music in Manila and the Asia Pacific, 1869-1946 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), and laureate of the ”Veni Innovation Grant” (2017-2021) funded by the Dutch Research Organization (NWO) for his project Sonic Entanglements: Listening to Modernities in Southeast Asian Sound Recordings. In his works as artist-scholar, meLê engages the topics of sonic migrations, queer aesthetics, and post/de-colonial acoustemologies.

Sa 28.05

Sa 28.05 20:00


Lecture-Concert by meLê yamomo & Eurico Ferreira Mathias