Theater unterm Dach: The Answers - Want Your Answers

@ Theater unterm Dach
Playing times
Sa 28.05 18:00 - 20:00
Currently, the venue is not accessible, which means there is no accessible access to the building and event area. The theater under the roof is located on the 2nd floor and is only accessible via stairs. In addition, there is no WC for people with disabilities. However, all this is to be changed in the course of the upcoming renovation of the building.

Contact: Thorsten Schlenger
Phone: 030 902 953 817

When is theater truly relevant? When does theater touch an audience or make it reflect? What topics or stories should theater deal with today? What is the utopia of theater? Are there dreams about theater? The answers from visitors who do not work professionally in theater are being looked for here to provide perspectives, impulses and knowledge for the relaunch of the TuD.

With: Peter Eckert, Wunschmaschinen & Guests
Moderation: Thorsten Schlenger (TuD)

Theater unterm Dach

Danziger Straße 101, 10405 Berlin