They do still exist in Berlin: big, fascinating industrial areas that have been slumbering away like Sleeping Beauty for many years, just waiting to be used in a different way. One of these places is MONOPOL, a former distillery in Reinickendorf, located on the borders to Mitte and Pankow.
The Bundesmonopolverwaltung für Branntwein, or, the German Federal Monopoly Administration for Spirits, was once located here. An association of entrepreneurs have now come together to fill this place with new life. Over the course of the coming years, a campus is intended to be established here where people and businesses will come together in order to mutually shape the future of the food industry, to research new digital technologies and to create space for artistic perspectives.
Already now, during the planning phase, the location is open for co-creations where the neighbors, Berliners and people from around the world come together to share, grow and create together.
S Schönholz (S1, S25, S26)
Bus Granatenstraße (150/N52)