Spoken Word Theater
Prime Time
Programming from the Community
Die viturianischen Tiere - frei nach Leo da Vinci


A Utopian Council of Citizens
tak e.V. in Kooperation mit der takADEMIE

“Be careful, don’t step on the beetle!”, yells the guide. In this utopian council of citizens, the performers set off on a trip through their personal human-animal relationship. The artists ask themselves what gives human beings the right to legally torture animals and why we continue to destroy nature, even though we are a part of it ourselves. How can the needs of animals be heard more effectively?

Playing times
We 25.05 20:00 - 21:30

90 min

Admission price

15 € | 10 € reduced

The performance will take place in German.
A continuous, step-free and level access from the street to the building and to the event area of a width of at least 150 cm is available. Barrier-free parking spaces and sanitary facilities are also available. Space for wheelchairs or walkers is provided in the event hall/area and there is the possibility of special suitable seat reservation and/or to enter the hall ahead of time.

Contact: Anna Koch
E-mail: a.koch@tak-berlin.de
Phone: 030 50567000


By and with: Sofia Andion-Wessel, Heike Arndt, Paula Engisch, Anja Frisch, Anja Hable, Konradin Pankok, Alexandra Voaides
Direction: Stefanie Aehnelt
Direction & theater pedagogy: Anna Koch
Stage & set design: Svenja Kuhr
Music: Anne Height
Assistant director: Camila von Hein
Hospitancy: Diandra Sobotta


A production of tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg e.V. Supported by Fonds Soziokultur with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR and Stiftung Kommunikationsaufbau.



tak Theater Aufbau Kreuzberg

Prinzenstraße 85 F, 10969 Berlin