After Work
Programming from the Community
For English speaking audience
audience in front of the Haus der Statistik

Pigeons in the House - Kappanau

A Performative Exploration In and Around Haus der Statistik
Bühnen im Haus der Statistik

During a walk in and around Haus der Statistik, various groups cooperate interdisciplinarily on the building’s own stage and bring this unique location in the center of Berlin to life. After more than a decade of vacancy, this cultural location is now being developed for the common good. Everyone who wants to know what makes this location so special, what can already be discovered here and what stories are contained within it have come to exactly the right place!

Playing times
Fr 27.05 18:00 - 20:00

120 min

Admission price

12 € | 7 € reduced

A continuous, step-free and level access (incl. curb ramp) from the street to the building and the event area is available. However, the Haus der Statistik is currently surrounded by construction sites and is therefore only barrier-free to a limited extent. To access the theater hall, low thresholds must be overcome at most. Access from the front via Karl-Marx-Strasse 1 through House A is without steps. At the rear entrance, two steps must be negotiated.

There are also barrier-free parking spaces and sanitary facilities available at the rear of the building complex in House D and in the House of Materialization.
Space for wheelchairs or walkers is provided in the event hall/area.

Contact: Daniel Wittkopp
Phone: 0176 32331953


With: L.Barletti, P.Boche, J.Böhm, A.Clarke, I.Dill, T.Felletschin, J.Gerber, K Grählert, D.Heim, V.Kadus, R.Kemnitzer, C.Reinhard, H.Rumstedt, M.Schellenberger, K.Schlender, A. Tiedemann, K.Tönsmann, A.Weißenfels, N.L.Willberg, D.Wittkopp and guests


Bühnen im Haus der Statistik

In late summer 2019, various theater makers founded the stages in the House of Statistics. Together, the stages develop a diverse program.


Bühnen im Haus der Statistik

Karl-Marx-Allee 1, 10178 Berlin